Friday 16 September 2011

Haven Solves Doggy Dilemma

You’ve worked hard all year, saved up some hard-earned cash and fancy treating yourself to a well deserved break. But just as you sit down to start planning your hols you hear a melancholy woof in the background.

Then it hits you – you can’t possibly go on holiday, it simply wouldn’t be fair on Fido.

If this sounds like an all too familiar scenario, then you’re not alone. According to statistics released earlier this year* one in four pet owners have taken fewer holidays since getting a pet. What’s more, 30% of those surveyed who stated that they take less holidays admit that the main reason is they simply can’t bear to leave their furry friend behind.

Moreover, it seems that even those who do go away spend much of holiday struggling with the guilt of leaving their pet. A separate survey** found that 17% of men and 11% of women worry about their pets getting ill or going missing whilst they’re away. So much for enjoying your break!

The good news for dog owners is that there is an easy solution to this dilemma. Take your canine friend with you when you go on holiday!

And, thanks to Haven Holidays, you can do this right now for less than the cost of a tin of dog food.

Between 5th September and 17th October no fewer than seven popular Haven sites up and down the UK will be offering you the chance to take your pooch on holiday at the cost of just £1 per dog.

And prices for the rest of the family start from a very modest £79 for up to six people for four nights in Standard accommodation, although prices vary depending on dates and locations.

So instead of putting off that well deserved break for fear of ending up in the doghouse with Fido take advantage of this fantastic offer and your family – including your furry friend – will soon be enjoying one of Britain’s favourite seaside holidays.

Visit or call 0871 230 1900 for bookings.

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